Terms of service

In order to use our website, you need to be at least 18 years old. It is possible that access to our website is denied based on your IP address. This is based on the legislation of the country you are located. Casino-review will do its utmost to keep all information on the website as up to date as and correct as possible. We do not accept any liability when it appears that the content or information is flawed or incorrect. We retain the right to change the information and content on our website at any moment without prior notification. We cannot be held responsible or liable for the content and conditions of websites we link to. By using our website, you automatically agree to our privacy policy. We will do everything in our power to safeguard your safety on other websites and try to keep all links secure by using SSL certificates. It is prohibited to reuse or repurpose any content from our website. It is also not allowed to place a link to our website without our prior consent.