
Contact for visitors

Welcome to the contact page of Casino-review. Here you can contact us if you have any questions or remarks. You can use the form below to contact us by email. We aim to answer your question within 24 hours.

Should you have a question about a specific online casino, then please contact the customer services of the casino in question. When you have already asked your question to the casino but there is either no reply or you cannot come to a satisfactory answer to your question or problem, then you can contact us. We will do our best to solve your problem. In this regard, it is important to describe your problem as extensively as possible when you contact us.

Contact for online casinos

Online casinos can always contact us when they want to be mentioned or referred to on our website. A request for the writing of a review can be done via the contact form below. We cannot guarantee that every request will result in a review of your casino. We will, however, reply to every request within 5 working days. If you are an online casino and you have comments or queries about a posted review, then feel free to contact us. When the content of the review is no longer correct or valid, please let us know and we will adjust it as soon as possible.


    Contact details Casino-review is part of:
    Trendiq BV
    Haven 34
    3143BC Maassluis
    email address:

    Casino-review can only be used by people who are 18 or older.